Contribution to the welfare and the creation of and stabilization of a livelihood and independent foundation for
single-parent families
Households to be supported
- Single-parent families (mother and son families or father and son families) : a family whose mother is the
head of the household and a family whose father is the head of the household
- Grandparent-headed family : a family in which a (maternal) grandfather or (maternal) grandmother raises a
child who is virtually unsupported by his/her parents.
- Single-parent family with adolescents : Single-parent families whose mother or father is under the age of 24
Household members to be supported
- A mother, a father, and children under the age of 18 (under 22 when entering a school) of single-parent
Eligibility requirements
- As a single-parent, grandparent-headed family or single-parent family with adolescents, the criteria of
household selection and the amount of income recognized are met.
- ※ Based on the amount of income recognized : single-parent family- 52% or less of the
standard median income/ single-parent family with adolescents- 60% or less of the standard median income
Support details (government expenditure)
- Childcare expenses : Monthly 200,000 KRW every month for each child under 18 years old
- Additional childcare expenses : 50,000 KRW every month for each child at and under the age of 5
- School supplies expenses : 54,100 KRW every year for each middle and high school student
Support details (province expenditure)
- Support for winter allowance : 200,000 KRW /household /year
- Support for clothing expenses : 100,000 KRW /furniture /year
- Support for college admission fee : 1,000,000 KRW/ elementary, middle & high school student /year
- Support for education cost : 70,000 KRW/ elementary, middle & high school student/ year
- Support for transportation expenses : 230,000 KRW/ middle & high school student/ year
- Support for school trip fee : up to 300,000 KRW/ for those participating in the trip among middle & high
school students