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Project Purpose

While supporting child care, this project improves the quality of family members’ lives and forms a nurturing-friendly social environment through the enhancement of the child’s welfare and one-person family coexistence guidance.

Service Type

Service Type
Classification Eligibility Guide to Services
Hourly Type Hourly Type (GeneralType) Children at the age of 3 months or more- 12 years old and less Within 720 hours per year (2 hours or more per application)
Comprehensive Type Provision of housekeeping services related to child care as well as child care service (720 hours and less yearly)
Full-day Type Type of Full-day for Infants Infants at the age of 3 months or more– 36 months old or less Within 60- 200 hours per month (3 hours or more per application)
Disease Infection Children and Support Service Children at the age of 12 or more who are infected with statutory contagious and pandemic diseases, and who use social welfare facilities, kindergartens, or nursery facilities at elementary school The service may be used until their disease is cured.
Institutional Linkage Service Children at the age of 0– 12 years at social welfare facilities, schools, kindergartens, or nursery facilities The head of the institution under Article 2, Paragraph 3 of the Social Welfare Act may apply, and child-care workers will serve as an assistant in the institution.

  • If both Hourly Type and Full-day Type exceed the government support time, you may cover the expenses to use the service.
  • When you change the service type (Hourly Type ↔ Full-day Type), a change of government support time and inter-agency fees may be incurred. In the case of change, please make sure you inquire to the service provider (Jangsu-gun Community Service Integrated Center, 063-351-5019).

Eligibility for the Government Support

  • Government Support: families with a gap in nurturing (a single and employed parent, a parent with a disability, a double-income family, a multi-child family, or other families with parenting burden)
  • No Government Support: Families without a gap in nurturing (full-time homemakers, etc.), the service is available with your full coverage of expenses

How to Use Child-care Worker Service

  • Child Care homepage member and government support applicant(Applicant on the Social Welfare Services and Salary Provision Application Form) The name should appear the same so that government support may be determined. If a member’s information in the Child Care homepage and applicant information for the government support are not identical, the government support benefit shall not be provided.
  • Application Procedure: Government-supported households (A, B, C Type of Full-time Type and Hourly Type)
    • ① Application for government support (eup, myeon, dong) → ② Income investigation (eup, myeon, dong) → ③ Determination and notification to applicants to be supported (si, gun, gu) → ④ Payment of charges → ⑤ Service provision (service provider) → ⑥ Follow-up management (si, gun, gu and service agency)
  • Sign up in the Child Care homepage(http://www.idolbom.go.kr) and apply for the service
    ※ Do not make a duplicate application between inter-government support for child-rearing.
  • Hourly service (Hourly Care (General Type) Service, Comprehensive-typed Care Service)
  • For children who are supported with childcare expenses and child tuitions, government support is not available during childcare hours and kindergarten hours (all-day, half-day, extended hour type).